I love reading most anything from magazines to recipes to giant novels. I just finished the funny book I Feel Bad About My Neck by Nora Ephron, what a comic. Love your neck now before it's too late; show it off at every opportunity. According to Ephron, the day will come before you know it that you want to hide your ever wrinkly neck. And when that day comes, you'll be kicking yourself for wearing all those scarves and turtlenecks in your youth. So here's to necks and ditching the turtlenecks and scarves;-)
Now to start the latest of Gabbledon's Outlander series. If you haven't read these and you like adventure and some romance tied into historical fiction and time travel then check these books out. I know, they sound ridiculous when describing them like that. I thought the same thing when I first heard of them, but I'll try reading anything. Needless to say I like them, even though each is nothing short of 1,000 pages and is as big as a doorstop. It's what's on the inside that counts.

While whiling away a few minutes turning through my latest women's HEALTH magazine I saw a product I mentioned on my blog the other day...the Vapur collapsible water bottle! At the back of the magazine it has a second ad telling to go to the magazine's website and get 20% off one online purchase. Sounds like a deal. Go to HEALTH.COM/DEALS (valid until March 17, '11).
Next weekend is another 5K and One Mile Fun Run to honor the short life of a former student from my school and to raise awareness and funds for Connor's Song in partnership with Touch a Life Foundation (to help rescue orphans from around the world and from child trafficking and modern-day slavery). Several of us are planning on attending, having fun, and showing our support to Connor's family and their efforts. For more about Connor and the foundation check out this link: http://www.rondeal.org/view/34
There's plenty more going on, but that's enough for now. More later.
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